Project Goal

Understanding the current state of how the Oconto River can resist different storm events and subsequently how changes to the channel geometry would affect this entail the main goal of this project.


Within this goal are three research questions and associated objectives which can be seen below.


Project Questions

  1. What are the current flood conditions the Oconto River faces during 1-, 10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, and 200-year design storms?
  2. How can the Oconto River be altered to better handle storm surges?
  3. Should other changes be made considering the modifications are extreme?



  1. Model cross sections and water surface profiles to visualize flood conditions and determine flood potential by comparing to elevation of adjacent residential areas.
  2. Apply idealistic and extreme channel modifications to show possible changes in water surface profiles and flood potential.
  3. Compare results of question 1+2 and suggest if alternative solutions should be made.

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